Hi-de-ho hepcats or slang!

By Nick Mamatas February 17, 2010

My co-worker and occasional Haikasoru blogger Eric came up to me this morning, just having read the forthcoming Slum Online. He had a piece of paper in his hands, so I was worried that some copy error had gone undetected. But no. See? Eric didn't know what wtfpwned meant. WTF was easy enough to explain, but pwned's origin is already obscure. "It means owned," I told Eric. "As in thoroughly dominated. But with a p, so it's 'poned.'" (And yes I know that the pronunciation of the word is also a matter of debate.) And then Eric just looked at me. And I said, "You're old." He had to agree. And then I told him that he should blog this but he didn't want to! So I did! Twenty-three skidoo!